Everything You Need to Know About the Modern Gold Supply

Everything You Need to Know About the Modern Gold Supply

The world’s gold supply is a matter that produces many questions. Where is most gold found? Is the world running out of gold?

These questions and many more have surrounded the industry for decades, if not centuries, and for just as long people have sought answers to these queries. Goldfellow has over 35 years of experience in the jewelry and precious metals industry and has put their experts to work finding the answers to these age-old questions.

Where Does the World’s Gold Come From?

Throughout human history this precious metal came from many different gold supply sources; in fact, its believed to be the earliest metal used by humans! Over thousands of years, gold came to be used by practically every civilization that has walked the face of the earth.

As gold supplies became more scarce in Europe, there was a migration to the Americas where undiscovered gold inspired many adventurers to make their fortune. Most gold found in these areas was then taken back to Europe, pumping more of this beautiful metal into the hands of kings. Today the story is a bit different. There is gold found in many countries today, but China, South Africa, and Australia are where gold gets mined in large amounts. In which country is gold found throughout history and today? The answer is many for both!

How Much Gold Is Left in the World?

There have been many worries throughout history about whether or not gold was running out. The same can be said for the metal today. Many people worry about a potential end to new gold reserves and that has led experts and gold lovers to become a bit worried as to the state of the world’s gold supply.

Experts believe that these worries are unfounded. Gold scares are nothing new. They even contributed to the United States abandoning the gold standard! The fact is, we do not know how much more gold there is. So as long as we are producing gold, we will continue to use it for everything from jewelry to electronics.

Where to Sell Gold for an Amazing Price?

If you are looking to sell some of your gold supply, be sure to contact Goldfellow’s experts! Here the prices are fair, and the process is easy. Also, make sure to check out some of our other articles to learn more about all things jewelry and precious metals.

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